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Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention

CFTSI is a brief (5-8 session), evidence-based early mental health treatment specifically developed for implementation with children, adolescents, and their caregivers during the acute phase of trauma  response, after a recent traumatic event or after a recent disclosure of abuse in a forensic interview, such as in a Child Advocacy Center (CAC). This treatment has demonstrated effectiveness in  reducing  traumatic stress symptoms and reducing or interrupting PTSD and related anxiety and depressive disorders, including for children who have had extensive trauma histories prior to the most recent  event that precipitated their referral for CFTSI. Children participating in CFTSI consistently experience a significant decrease in trauma symptoms, as do participating caregivers. Updated 2024.

Targeted Populations: 
Young children (3-6), children (7-12), youth (13-18), parents, caregivers, after recent traumatic event or disclosure of abuse
Published in 2012