
The NCTSN has produced dozens of webinar series, comprised of virtual presentations by expert researchers and practitioners, on various topics in the field of child traumatic stress.
The NCTSN offers both online and in-person training on a range of topics, from general trauma education, to assessment and intervention techniques, to Breakthrough Series Collaboratives focused on systems change.
Through linkages to experts, consultation on training and implementation initiatives, and training resources on child trauma, the Training and Implementation Program at the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) guides professionals, agencies, and systems to increase their capacity to treat children and families affected by trauma. Since 2004, the NCCTS has been expanding the use of Learning Collaboratives within the mental health arena and, in partnership with NCTSN clinical experts, has conducted over 30 Learning Collaboratives, Learning Communities, and Breakthrough Series Collaboratives.
For additional information about in-person training opportunities or to submit a training-related request, contact training@nctsn.org.
The Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma is an online resource for professionals and families who want to learn more about child traumatic stress. The primary sections of the Learning Center include: Continuing Education, Military Families, Psychological First Aid, Service Systems, Special Populations, and Clinical Training. The courses available in these sections include webinars, e-learning courses, and training curricula, descriptions of which can be accessed below. In addition, many of the courses on the Learning Center provide professionals with continuing education (CE) credit.
New users can create a free account online by visiting https://learn.nctsn.org/register.
For more information about programs available for continuing education credits, visit https://learn.nctsn.org/cecredit.
The NCTSN has produced dozens of webinar series, comprised of virtual presentations by expert researchers and practitioners, on various topics in the field of child traumatic stress.
NCTSN e-learning courses typically include multimedia resources, such as self-paced training modules, instructional videos, and supplemental resources.
Training curricula developed by the NCTSN are designed to facilitate the delivery of comprehensive workshops for various audiences on child traumatic stress.