NCTSN Impact Newsletter: Summer 2018
Includes articles that range from a report on teen suicide screening and intervention to new resources for bringing an LGBTQ lens to trauma-informed care.
The following resources on Homeless Youth were developed by the NCTSN.
Includes articles that range from a report on teen suicide screening and intervention to new resources for bringing an LGBTQ lens to trauma-informed care.
Offers information to service providers on how to support teens and young adults who are experiencing homelessness with a trauma history.
Guides shelter staff in offering support to children and families who are experiencing homelessness and who have experienced trauma.
Features research, resources, and role models. The Developmental Trauma Disorder clinical field trial is discussed, along with a story of recovery to becoming a beloved role model for both youth and providers is featured in this edition.
Is an adapted version of Psychological First Aid for those working with families experiencing homelessness.
Is an adapted version of Psychological First Aid for those working with youth experiencing homelessness.
Provides statistics on the number and characteristics of homeless youth in the US. This webinar reviews the unique aspects of trauma among runaway and homeless youth and identifies the key treatment implications for this population.
Discusses the challenges traumatized youth face when they are living on the street, including the relationship between trauma and youth homelessness, and offers suggestions for service providers who want to engage these young people in treatment.
Provides background on the issues of trauma among homeless children, including what homelessness looks like in America, the interplay between trauma and homelessness, how programs and services help families exposed to trauma, and providing trauma-specific services.