Child Sex Trafficking: A Fact Sheet for Child Welfare Professionals
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to child welfare professionals.
The following resources on Child Sex Trafficking were developed by the NCTSN.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to child welfare professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to educational professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to juvenille justice professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to medical professionals.
Offers a list of screening tools for identifying youth at risk for sex trafficking.
Offers information about the experiences of youth who have been trafficked. This fact sheet provides lists of experiences that youth may have endured prior to being trafficked, while being trafficked, and/or after being trafficked.
Provides a list of common misconceptions about child sex trafficking and uses facts to address those misconceptions.
Discusses the complex interplay of societal, community, relationship, and individual factors that increase a youth's risk of being trafficked. This fact sheet offers information about youth whose experiences make them more vulnerable to being trafficked.
Describes how the impact and consequences of COVID-19 increase the risk of involvement in sex or labor trafficking. This fact sheet offers infromation on what you can do as a provider and how to support yourself.
Looks back at Jordyn. Since disclosing her sexual exploitation experiences in a previous session, Jordyn continues to attend therapy sessions to address her distress symptoms; depression and PTSD.
Provides information about sexual health to providers. This fact sheet discusses what sexual health is, the challenges providers face when talking about sexual health, sexual health principles, as well as how trauma impacts sexual health conversations.
Gives examples of state and federal policy issues related to child sex trafficking. This webinar provides an overview of activities and resources related to child sex trafficking.